Amenmesse Publications


Cardon, Patrick D. Amenmesse: An Egyptian Royal Head of the Nineteenth Dynasty in Metropolitan Museum. Metropolitan Museum Journal, 14 (1979): 5-14. 

Dodson, Aidan. Amenmesse in Kent, Liverpool, and Thebes. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 81 (1995): 115-28. 

Dodson, Aidan. Messuy, Amada and Amenmesse. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, 34 (1997): 41-48. 

Dodson, Aidan. The Takhats and Some Other Royal Ladies of the Ramesside Period. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 73 (1987): 224-29. 

Dodson, Aidan. The Tomb of King Amenmesse: Some Observations. Discussions in Egyptology. 2 (1985): 7-11. 

Dodson, Aidan. King Amenmesses at Riqqa, Gottinger Miszellen. 117/118 (1990): 153-155. 

Ertman, Earl L. A First Report on the Preliminary Survey of Unexcavated KV-10 (The Tomb of Amenmesse). KMT, A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt, 4, Number 2 (Summer 1993): 38-46. 

Gutgesell, M. and Schmitz. B. Die Familie des Amenmesse. Studien der Altagyptischen Kultur. 9 (1981):133-141. 

Habachi, Labib. King Amenmesse and Viziers Amenmose and Kha’emtore: Their Monuments and Place in History. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischenn Instituts, Alteilung Kairo, 34 (1978): 57-67. 

Kitchen, K.A. Amenmesses in Northern Egypt. Gottinger Miszellen. 99 (1987): 23-25. 

Krauss, R. Untersuchungen zu Konig Amenmesse. Studien der Altagyptischen Kultur. 4 (1976): 161-200: SAK. 5 (1977): 131-174. 

Krauss, R. Zur Historischen Einordnung Amenmesse und zur Chronologie der 19/20 Dynastie. Gottinger Miszellen. 45 (1981): 27-34. 

Reeves, Nicholas and Wilkinson, Richard. The Complete Valley of the Kings: Tombs and Treasures of Egypt’s Greatest Pharaohs. New York, N.Y. (1996), 150-153.

Schaden, Otto J.  Annales du Service des Antiquites de L'Egypte, 2005 Amenmessse Update "in press" for publication in 2006.

Schaden, Otto J. Amenmesse Project Report. Newsletter of the American Research Center in Egypt, 163 (Fall 1993): 1-9.

Schaden, Otto J. Some Observations on the Tomb of Amenmesse (KV -10). Essays in Egyptology in Honor of Hans Goedicke, edited by Bryan, B. and Lorton, D., San Antonio, Texas (1994): 243-254.

Schaden Otto J. The Tomb of Amenmesse (KV-10): The First Season. Annales du Service des Antiquites de L'Egypte, Tome LXXIII, Le Caire (1998): 116-155 (with 9 plates).

Schaden Otto J. KV-10: Amenmesse 2000. Annales du Service des Antiquites de L'Egypte, Volume 78, Cairo (2004): 129-147.

Thomas, Elizabeth. The Royal Necropoleis of Thebes. Trenton, N.J. (1966).

Weeks, Kent. Atlas of the Valley of the Kings: The Theban Mapping Project. AUCP (2000).

Weeks, Kent. The Valley of the Kings: The Tombs and the Funerary of Thebes West. Friedman (2001).

Yurco, Frank. Amenmesse: Six Statues at Karnak. Metropolitan Museum Journal, 14 (1979): 15-31. 

Yurco, Frank. Was Amenmesse the Viceroy of Kush, Messuwy?. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt. 34 (1997): 49-56.